Bus Simulator 21»PC / PS5 / PS4 / Xbox Series X|S / XB1»May 16, 2023

Fellow Bus Drivers!
With “Next Stop”, Bus Simulator 21 is opening a new chapter of its journey. We are happy to announce the release of the huge Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop update today. Simultaneously with the release of the most comprehensive update in the history of the popular simulation game, the free Official Map Extension, the Gold Edition, the Gold Upgrade, the brand new Ebusco Bus Pack as well as the Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop - Season Pass have also been released!
Check out the shop for details!!
Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Overview of the most important news:
- Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Update: Huge free update including countless game improvements, new and revised features, a brand-new career mode, DLSS support and more.
- Official Map Extension: Official map extension for the North American inspired “Angel Shores“ map - available as a free DLC for all owners of the main game!
- Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Gold Edition: Includes the main game plus all of the previously released paid DLCs.
- Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Gold Upgrade: Bundles all of the previously released paid DLCs.
- Ebusco Bus Pack: Paid DLC brings 3 new, officially licensed Ebusco e-buses and 6 new interiors into the game.
- Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Season Pass: Includes the new Ebusco Bus Pack as well as three DLCs to be released later this year: Official School Bus Extension, Thomas Built Buses® Bus Pack and Official Tram Extension!
Official Map Extension
The extensive Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop update is now available for free download on the digital platforms for owners of Bus Simulator 21. This also applies to the Official Map Extension, which expands the North American-inspired map "Angel Shores" with three new districts and additional campaign missions and is available on all platforms as free DLC!
Gold Edition
The Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Gold Edition includes the main game and its Next Stop update as well as all of the previously released paid DLCs and is now available for 44.99 EUR (SRP) as a digital download for PC, as well as for 49.99 EUR (SRP) for PS5, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S in retail stores of selected countries as well as a download version on the digital stores.
For players who already own the main game and would like to purchase the previously released paid DLCs as a bundle at a budget price, the Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop - Gold Upgrade is available for 14.99 EUR (SRP) on digital platforms for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One.
The Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop main game itself is available individually at a price of 34.99 EUR (SRP) for PC and for 39.99 EUR (SRP) for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One as a download version in the online stores.
Ebusco Bus Pack
The Ebusco Bus Pack expands the game with three brand-new, officially licensed e-buses from the popular Dutch manufacturer Ebusco - along with 6 selectable interiors to visually customize the buses' interiors. The expansion is available at a price of 8.99 EUR (SRP) for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One as separate DLC and is alternatively also included in the new Season Pass.
Season Pass
With the Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop - Season Pass, bus lovers can prepare themselves for the future: The package includes the brand new Ebusco Bus Pack as well as the Official School Bus Extension, which will be released later this year, the upcoming Thomas Built Buses® Bus Pack, and the Official Tram Extension, which is planned for the end of the year. The Season Pass is available for the unbeatable bundle price of 24.99 EUR (SRP)!
Bus Simulator 21 Next Stop – Overview of the most important improvements:
New Features
- A new game mode 'Career' is available. This game mode is similar to Sandbox, where everything is unlocked. The player has to focus on economy, because your money is limited. You can select this game mode on the company creation screen
- New drive event: Cars can miss the green traffic light. Honk to wake them up! And they will continue driving.
- New drive event: Passengers can forget valuables in the bus. Get it fast so it can be returned!
- New drive event: Do you know your routes? Passengers will ask for information, let them know if the bus stop they can to go to is on our route!
- The payday now has a more detailed view on the income of the company. Additional information and explanations can be found in the payday screen
- The weather can be set manually
- The transit station in Angel Shores map now supports more stops and NPC bus drivers do not get stuck here anymore
- Demand and Peak time affect the spawn rate of passengers at a bus stop
- Added new NPC type: Children. They sometimes travel together with parents.
- Added tram tracks in Angel Shores and Seaside Valley
- Added NPC trams, which the player can enter but not take over without the Tram Extension DLC.
- A number of additional preparations for upcoming extensions
Traffic Improvements
- An option to reset the traffic has been implemented within the game menu
- Cars now drive smoother because their colliders got adapted and the simulation logic improved
- Cars standing too far away from intersections got improved
- Cars do not get stuck when they encounter parked cars or other obstacles
- Cars can now honk at pedestrians if they are blocking the street. This will speed up pedestrians and blocks crosswalks for a short amount of time to let the cars pass. (This functionality can also be used by the player)
- If you honk at a car there is a small chance they honk back at you
- Fixed non-working traffic lights
- General traffic improvements
NPC Bus Drivers
- Improved NPC bus driver’s turning behavior
- Improved stopping positions of the NPC bus drivers
- Improved changing the lane on multi-lane streets
- NPC bus will leave the bus stop when the player bus arrives, so the player is not blocked. This can also be achieved by honking at the bus. The bus will depart instantly after the passengers finished boarding
Other Improvements & Fixes
- Trains and Airplanes are back in Seaside Valley
- Presets of supported steering wheels got improved
- Max. bus limit got extended to 180 buses (Important note: The more buses you own the more performance is needed. How far you can get without running into performance issues depends on your hardware. So, you have to find out what's the sweet spot between performance and size of your bus fleet by yourself.)
- Fixed the ‘10 decals achievement’ on Steam
- The bus stop signs are further away from the street so the bus can be aligned to the curb
- The mission texts are more consistent to avoid confusion and spelling mistakes were corrected
- The peak times in missions are followed by the icon of the peak time. This icon can also be found in the time table and on the bus stop, to avoid confusion
- Improved pedestrian behavior, such as evasion and jaywalking
- Customization options of the bus have their name displayed to make it easier to find the needed Ad/Wrap for a mission
- Added basic decal shapes to allow more custom designs on the bus
- Pedestrians now walk faster in general
- Bus properties like price, bus load maintenance costs got corrected
- The company creation screen now has a description for the available game modes
- Clipping text in the UI got fixed
- FPS are now capped in the menus
- Ramp on Grande West bus fixed
- Traffic cones scattered all over the map fixed
- Speed limit in Timer ridge and Seaview adjusted
- New bus stop on Seaview Beach added
- Fix for ramp reporting being blocked in trams and kneeling buses although it should not be
- Fix for buses spawn one in another and fly when assigning a lot of buses to the same route
- Font and graphic settings adjustments for Steam Deck
- Hundreds of smaller fixes and improvements
- A lot of crash fixes